Page name: Dir En Grey's Castle Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-23 18:28:05
Last author: Yudan333
Owner: Yudan333
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Dir En Grey's Castle Room


Profile: Yudan's Anthropians

Ahh the playful wolf boy! Such a lively room! He has toys and game boards that he was able to salvage and a bright room to keep his energy up! He is a shifter so he may appear as someone else however don't worry I am sure he is just playing around as he usually does!

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2011-08-19 [Yudan333]: Grey listened to Irving and shook his head lightly thinking to himself, I can be as attached as I want to be. I like Ari. I really like her. Well not like boyfriend girlfriend but I finally have someone I can play with.' He smiled but it faded hearing her and his eyes opened and looked around to check the room as though expecting something. He then sighed and looked to the floor listened once more to the hair.

Things got quiet and he laid back and stared at the cieling though seeing the faint white flutter he looked to the butterfly and leaned forward sniffing lightly then smiled, "Pleasure to meet you too. You know your friends give a nasty shock. I'm glad I'm rather immune to most pain." He heard the whimper and sadly wanted to help.

Slowly he crawled down from the top and kneeled beside her and looked to her intently as his eyes lightly glowed, "Ari... I'm here." He whispered knowing she'd hear him. If her whines continued he may attempt something that could destroy him but it was something no other shifter as himself had ever attempted; to shift into a thought.

2011-08-20 [Sicarius]: The delicate insect merely looked at the wolf, its wings moving every now and again, as if responding to his comments.

Lenore whimpered again, clutching the rabbit even tighter...relaxing only slightly at Grey's whisper...tensing again after a few moments had passed. The butterfly had now fluttered to rest near the unhappy child's head, waving its wings rapidly. Red eyes stared at the Shifter, 'I wouldn't do what you are planning,' they seemed to say.

Ari began to cry softly in her sleep, though not soft enough to keep Irving from waking. The rabbit gave a weary sigh, "It's okay Miss Ariston..." his voice was surprisingly gentle, quite a change from his normally brusque tone. Blue eyes were worried, and he didn't bother to disguise this, even though he knew quite well the dire wolf was there. By this time there were tears trailing down her cheeks, soaking the handsewn hare, though he didn't seem to mind. "Shhh," he continued, "it's okay...everything will be all right..." After a few moments of this, he turned to Grey, "Are you just going to stand there and look stupid, or are you going to actually try and help?" His gruff tone was back, though it was probably more gruff than was easy to forgive him though, as it was clear he was concerned for the child.

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: Grey looked to the butterfly as it flapped it's wings quite quickly and he shook his head, I have to do something! She needs me! He moved a bit closer as he looked to the hare and then to the child he gently touched her hand and his eyes glowed a bright silver as his eyes turned a solid color and his breath stopped.

Plummeting down into the abyss of grey clouds and cold air Grey hit the ground hard and winced then slowly rose and shook. He heard the girl and knew she was right behind him. He stood up and let his eyes try to focus on what was happening. He wasted no time in rushing to take her in his arms and holding her close his hand on the back of her head, "Ari... I'm here... It's alright I'm going to protect you... i made a promise to my friend.."

2011-08-20 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes looked up to the figure confused, "You're not supposed to be here..." she whispered, expression suddenly fearful. " weren't here when it happened..." Ari shook her head and pushed him away, standing and turning to look at the ruined city before her. "You weren't here when..." her voice faded away, and she looked down at the tattered dress she now wore.

"When she helped destroy this city..." came a voice to the far right. It was calm, matter-of-fact as it addressed Grey...and the girl's head rose to look in the direction of the voice...though all that was discernible in the haze of smoke and fog was a dark mass.

In the waking world, the rabbit sighed, "Fool," he said, blue eyes faint with worry. "...did you stop to think that even if you should not happen to come back, she will? And how that would make her feel? Far better to have nightmares than to have to wake to something like what she's already lived through again..."

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: Grey felt her shove him back and looked to her lightly hurt from her rejection and shook his head, "No maybe not but I wanted to be here with you. Cause I know you can't get enough Grey right?" He smiled and gave a wink. However he looked to the ruined city and her dress then to the shadow in the smoke. Grey stood tall and moved in front of her in a protective manner, "The past doesn't matter. We need to look forward to the future. Even if she did destroy a city,, Warbirds would have destroyed it just the same; just like every other major and minor city. Our entire world is in ruin because of them." He looked to the shadow of the figure, "Ari is a wonderful girl. I have much faith and trust in her. I am sure it was not on purpose or to her knowledge that this happened." he stood up for her proudly ready to back up his friend at any and all costs.

2011-08-20 [Sicarius]: Ari looked at Grey and gave a half-hearted attempt at a smile.

The figure spoke again, as if it were patiently explaining something to a child. "The Warbirds did destroy it...but she had a hand in it..." a soft chuckle, "...indeed she had a hand in quite a few things they did...though she did not realize it...So destructive..."

Ariston let out another whimper and moved closer to Grey, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "No use in trying to deny it, my dear," the dark shape's voice broke the silence. "Thanks to you, that city and others are gone now...and there are very few of those weaklings like your parents left..."

A soft sob escaped her now as she clung to the Shifter, tears streaming down her face. "They weren't we-" her soft voice was easily interrupted by the dark mass, who moved a few more steps closer, "Oh, but they were," it interjected, "They were weak...they were frightened of you...of what you could do, of what you were...They were going to kill you sooner or later...You're lucky I stepped in when I did..."

Irving gave a sigh of frustration and worry as he saw red lycoris flowers begin to appear around the room, "If that idiot doesn't calm her down, there's a good chance what happened then will happen now...though on a smaller scale..."

Ari was still shaking her head, tears silently streaming down her face...and then she remembered. "Where's Mister Irving?" For a moment the figure was forgotten as the girl focused on the rabbit. "Did he stay behind this time?" Hands rose up to brush the tears away as she looked up to Grey. Remarkably, the shadowy mass did not speak...instead it chose to remain silent...though no doubt, once their exchange was over, it would see fit to interject whenever it saw fit.

2011-08-23 [Yudan333]: Grey narrowed his eyes and barked, "Who cares what you say! I don't think it honestly matters. Unlike many of the birds Ari is good. I believe in her. I trust her. But you; your far from that. You are as low as the warbirds and to torment a girl. How rude!" He turned his back to the figure and looked to Ari and lowered down brushing her tears as he smiled, "You control this dream Ari. Not that thing. Now comeon. Just concentrate. Thing of something nice like a large open field that goes to the skyline. Where the grass is green and tall; where the sky is blue and the clouds make shapes. That's a dream worth dreaming. Especially if I get to share it with you." He smiled and hugged her in his arms and kissed her cheek, "Oh little Ari; I got you safe. just thing in that field you cal let all your butterflies play in the grass; they would like that." He smiled down to her holding her so only he was in focus not this figure and he spoke to her fluidly so the other couldn't interrupt.

2011-08-23 [Sicarius]: The figure chuckled, "On the contrary," it replied to Grey's angry speech, "I'm the reason she hasn't destroyed most everything she's seen...most everyone she's met...and I'm the sole reason she's not become as bad, if not worse than, the Warbirds..."

Ari stared at Grey, "...It doesn't work like that..." she said simply, "...I've tried...The first time the dreams started I tried to change it...That only made it worse..." her voice trailed away, and the figure chuckled, as the girl focused her attention on Grey and tried to ignore the words...even though it was written clearly on her face that she believed the being's words to be true...

"Maybe you could try, Shifter..." it said at last, tone faintly mocking, "...You aren't connected to me as she is...though you should know you cannot always protect her from her memories of what she's done..."

Irving relaxed, the blooms had started to disappear, "Good job," he muttered, "though I doubt you managed to rid Ari of her problem..."

2011-09-27 [Yudan333]: Grey looked to Air seeing her face sadden as though she had a lack of confidence. However hearing her speak he began to think and nods a bit more so to himself but did reply to her with a kinda tender smile as he usually did, "Well then I guess you leave me no choice huh?"

He closed his eyes as the world around them began to shape up trees from the blackness and grass sprouted under it as soft chirps were heard of birds as well as chipmunks. He opened his eyes seeing the sky turn blue as shaped clouds passed around. He knew his idea's could work only since she was allowing the idea.

He took her hand and smiled, "See how great this is Ari. Maybe soon you will be able to do this all by yourself!"

2011-09-27 [Sicarius]: Ariston's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected Grey to be able to do anything like this...Tears of a different sort escaped her now, and sniffling a little, the young girl hugged him. After a few moments, she pulled away, eyes still wet, "How?" she asked, now taking the time to look around at the scenery. Gaze drifted upward as a chipmunk started chattering at them.

Dark eyes turned back to the dire wolf, "...Thank you..." She smiled at him, to all appearances happy...but what she didn't reveal was her feeling that the figure from before was still there somehow...It was lurking just beyond Grey's peaceful scene...waiting for an opportunity to enter once more and upset the girl...</i>

"Well done," muttered the rabbit, "Well done...not bad for a whelp..." Ari was relaxed in her slumber, and knowing the wolf was with her and capable of looking after the girl, Irving allowed himself to slip into a light doze.

2011-09-28 [Yudan333]: Grey could only smile with delight and hugs her as he pointed to the clouds, "That one looks like a ice cream cone." He smiled and sat on his rear in the grass patting her head, "Lovely day isn't it."

His eyes slowly went to the girl as he gave a reassuring nod, "Don't worry; I'll stay here okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you Ari; promise." His silver eyes held truth behind them

2011-10-28 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes followed the motion of his hand as he pointed up. "...Ice cream..." she repeated, then gave a hesitant smile. She nodded at his question, "It is...but how?" Tone was small, awe-filled.

Solemn gaze met his, "Thank you...but..." a soft sigh escaped her, quickly swept away on the light breeze...there was so much she wanted to say...but the question was finding how to say it...

2011-12-27 [Yudan333]: "Ari.. Be honest with me. You need to speak so speak. Their is nothing that you will say that would ever hurt me. You can trust me. Speaking of trust. I trust you. I know you are dependable Ari. If I needed help and I told you to run; I think you would try and help me. or would you run?" He didn't see her as the scared child that she thought she was. He knew that deep down she was a fierce lioness waiting to jump out of her cage.

2011-12-29 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes looked up at him, expression thoughtful. "I do not is easy to say I would gladly help, and truthfully I feel I would...but..." her voice trailed off, " is difficult to say what I would do unless faced with that situation..." Her reasoning was sound...far too mature for one so young.

Gaze turned to the sky, "...You cannot protect me...Mister Irving cannot protect me...My parents could not protect me...If it weren't for..." she seemed to struggle for the right word, "...for whatever I am...I would not be here...those people wouldn't be dead..." she looked down and gave a slight shudder. It seemed Ari knew at least part of what the shadowy figure had alluded to...though how much remained to be seen.

2011-12-29 [Yudan333]: Grey watched her as she seemed to struggle with her words. He simply smiled as he took her into his arms as he sat on the ground and whispered in her ear, "Ari, I know you are better than what you may think. You didn't cause the destruction. The War Birds did most all the damage.

No one blames you Ari. You are a dear friend to me and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know I can help you. This thing locked inside you. It may seem silly but I think I can fight it. Because I can feel it." He smiled and kissed her cheek and brushed her hair and rubs her cheek, "Don't be afraid Ari. I swear I will be here for you."

2011-12-29 [Sicarius]: She looked down, "...but I did...I did cause the was not my will...but...I was a part of it..." She had tensed when he put his arms around her, but relaxed slightly and after a long pause, she spoke once more.

"...I blame me...for what little I can remember..." a shiver, and then she looked up at him, " would too...I should have been able to stop him..." another long pause, and then she let herself slump down in his grasp, "...I'm tired..." and, as if to underscore that point, the girl yawned, "...could you really fight? ...Fight and win?" tone was one of cautious hope as she snuggled closer. "...Losing is for keeps..." she murmured, before giving another yawn.

((...boy, really need to get back into the swing of things...*grins* writing has become subpar as of late...))

2011-12-29 [Yudan333]: He brushed though her hair and kissed her head holding her in his lap hoping she could get to sleep, "Don't worry I will be here for you. And I will fight and win." He continued to brush through her hair as he held her close to keep him warm.

From in her dream he felt his consciousness waking as though feeling something. He closed his eyes opening the senses of his sleeping body. He could hear clicking and scratching at the door knob. He inhaled deeply trying to smell anything but the door blocked the scent. He looked to Ari and laid her in the grass, "You are safe here.. I am with you it's alright." He smiled.

(( Nah sall good. I know the feeling it's been like 50 days since posting XDD))

2011-12-29 [Sicarius]: Breathing became slower and her body relaxed as her dreamself slumbered in the Shifter's arms. She did not hear the scratching at the door...but Irving did.

The rabbit sighed heavily, "Stop scritching and scrabbling about," voice was gruff, " risk waking those who slumber here..." Tone was warning, and inwardly the rabbit was grinning, after all, the unknown visitor didn't need to know he could do nothing to stop the intrusion.

The shadowy figure had left of its own accord...let the girl have her peace...there would be plenty of time to deal with her...

2011-12-29 [Yudan333]: Grey felt the shadows leave in her sleep and he took this time to wake himself from beside her. He pulled away from the bed where he had sat by the bottom bunk. He looked to the door and placed his nose to the entrance and inhaled and his eyes widened. He shuddered and trembled as though struck with fear. He looked to the sleeping Ari and then to Irving and whispered "Make sure she keeps sleeping.." He swallowed hard and faced the door as though ready to possibly go out.

A cool voice came from the other side as a snort sounded past the door, "Come out come out where-ever you are... Grey I smell youth.. why don't you share?" The males voice grew dark as claws could be heard on the door but not loud enough to wake the sleeping girl.

2011-12-29 [Sicarius]: Blue button eyes blazed, "...Care to tell me who the hell our friend is?" voice was low. "I'll do my best to keep her in slumber, but there is a good likelihood she will wake...her ability makes her...sensitive to certain things..."

The handsewn rabbit was concerned to say the least...if something happened, he would not be able to help her...not in this form...and if she were to wake and panic...I shouldn't focus on that...not yet...

2011-12-29 [Yudan333]: Grey watched the door and his muscles tightened in his pj's, "Vampire.. and thirsty." He went to the door and unlocked it as he stared at the tall male standing there in black pants and a crimson tee and a black jacket. "Rick you need to leave." Grey asked sternly with eyes narrowing.

Rick smirked as he looked past him to the sleeping child and to her vein licking his lips, "No way would I pass up innocent blood Grey. Step aside." He went to pass him but Grey pushed himself forward making Rick narrow his eyes, "Damn wolf." He slammed his fist so swiftly it was unseen but Grey had caught several punches to his gut. He then shoved Grey toward the hall and shut the door locking it and smirks looking back to the child, "Dinner time.."

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